Thursday, March 24, 2011

The End.....

bila kita kecik dlu2 slalu kita baca "fairytale story".....
ade "beauty and the beast', "cinderella", "snow white" and etc....

at the end of the story, it must and will be the "happily ever after" ending.....
sometime i wish for that....

i know life ain't like a fairytale...
life is hard and complicated
there's always an obstacle in front of you waiting to be either challenge you or vice versa.....
but you know...our life sometime seems to be part of the fairytale story...

in the fairytale story itself, the characters face lot of obstacle/challenge in order to get the perfect ending or should i say "happily ever after".....

a lot of people complained about their life that seems not to be perfect...
I'm ensure you that there are more unfortunate people in this world that their life much more worse than you...
just be thankful that you are not like them....

what i am trying to say here is....
you have to work hard for your ultimate happily ever after ending....
the get the perfect "the end" in every ending of the story you should do whatever the character in the fairytale story would your happiness, joyfulness, bitter, sweet and etc life that as much as you could...
no matter what obstacle/challenge that await for you...

remember...there is no one in this world that can face the obstacle/challenge in your own fairytale story, beside you.....
"you are what you read" or in my own version "you are what you face"...

like in every story....
this is my "the end"

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

The End of the Beginning...

akhirnyer setelah 3 tahun berhempas pulas,
nk abis dah diploma...
sekejap rasenyer...
teringat dlu masa first year...
duduk berlapan....sampai abis sem...puasa sama2..
ada gak yg sume tuu pelajaran hidup yg harus ditempuh..
then masuk 2nd sem...duduk berdua sahaja...
halim byk tolong aku time aku sakit...thanks halim...ko terbaek..
masuk 3rd sem byk masalah...time tu baru aku knal sape kawan sape lawan...
tp xpernah aku anggap sbg musuh...cume xsekepala tetap kawan....
masuk 4th sem aku jumpe kwn bukan se"course" die acap, kerol n fakhrul...
dierang byk tolong aku time aku susah...perghhh..mmg kawan terbaek arrr....
masuk 5th sem...byk tul aku syukur sgt sbb ada member yg bg semangat...smpai sama2 apply nk pg overseas....alhamdulillah...dah dpt offer pon...

skang dah nk masuk 3 thun aku kat uitm....menjadi seorang final year student sgt mencabar...
aku ade "final year project" yg aku kne sebabkan equipment UiTM bertaraf world class kan...byk tul dugaan...sabar jelarrr....aku makin lonely sbb kawan2 aku dari 1st smpai larr 5th sem sume dah xde...aku duduk plak dgn foreigner yg perangai die a little bit boring but at least i got some company...hemmm....

so lepas nie..
dah nk smbung degree...makin mencabar laluan itu..
insyaAllah ditempuh dgn hati yg redha...
Alhamdulillah aku dah dpt offer smbung degree kat UK...
tp hati mcm berbelah bahagi..
nk pg or xnk mmg nk pg...(ape aku merepek ni)....
cume tularr..
masa berlalu dgn pantas....sekejap rasanyer....
teringat masa hari first skola rendah....masukla sekolah menengah pastu masuk U....
so lepas nie ape?
smbung degree?kawin?

maybe x kot...focus on study dlu..kmpul harta then baru kawin....

that's all folk...
the end of the beginning......