Monday, October 5, 2009

Final Exam.......

perkataan yang dibenci oleh setiap orang yang bergelar student...
sbb time nie larr sume student kene pgang buku study....
kalo xstudy nnti kene repeat.....
satu keje plak...
then kedai2 runcit sekitar U akan jadi laku sbb time nie larr student cari makanan..
usually maggi, nescafe, sbb nk stay up larr katekan..
well time nie actually fun tau..
sbb time nie larr sume gather ramai2 study....
perghh best gler....
anyway korang sume..
do the best okie dokie!!!!

u know u love me...

Monday, September 14, 2009


perkataan yang ditunggu2 oleh umat Islam..
berakhirnya perjuangan selama sebulan...
namun aku akn merindui bulan yang mulia ini...
persediaan di ari raye telah ku buat....
tahun nie ku sambutnya secara sederhana..
duit raye....
gonna miss u so much coz org kate when getting older xkan dpt lagi duit raye...
harap akan berterusan larrr....
di kesempatan ini saya ingin mengucapkan selamat hari raya...
maaf zahir batin sekira tutur kata menyakitkan hati sepanjang perkenalan.....
tiada niat dihati nk menyakitkan hati insan yang ku glar kawan atau sahabat...

Friday, September 11, 2009


ramadhan mengajar ku...
erti berjimat...
erti berbuka sederhana..
erti bersabar......
erti memberi......
mengajarku supaya tidak berputus asa..
sesungguhnya aku sungguh berterima kasih pada Mu Tuhanku..
kerana memberi hamba Mu ini kesempatan untuk berpuasa pada tahun ini...
terima kasih Ya Allah.....

Sunday, September 6, 2009

being famous......

being famous.....
who need it....

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Apa itu Malaysia pada anda?

Persoalan nasional yang nampak mudah tapi amat rumit nak dijawab terutamanya untuk belia remaja. Tengah bosan mengira detik kelas gua habis, gua dengan agak cemerlangnya dan tanpa segan silu mengadakan satu survey untuk soalan ini. Bukan nak poyo ke ape, tapi nak tengok apa yang budak-budak ni fikir pasal Negara tercinta mereka ni. Dasarnya gua hanya nak tengok dari perspektif yang berbeza dan nak buka ruang lingkup pemikiran ni.

Secara keseluruhan gua tengok mereka-mereka ni macam tak cukup ilham nak menjawab soalan ni. Biasa la mungkin anda semua nampak benda ni macam remeh. Tapi bagi gua benda ni amat berat. Semua ni tentang jati diri kita sebagai rakyat Malaysia. Kalau kita sendiri tak pernah ada rasa chenta kat Negara ni, macam mana la kita sebagai modal insan Negara ni nak mempertahankannya. Anda yang dah ikut serta survey ni, gua tabik banyak-banyak laut.

Gua nak highlight sikit certain komentar yang menarik perhatian gua.

“Malaysia ni sebuah Negara yang dah kena virus H1N1.” (madihah) Kalau kita sedarkan, virus H1N1 ni sebenarnya tak teruk mana pun. Memang orang mati bila dah tahap kritikal punye jangkitan virus tu. Tapi yang paling teruk virus budaya-budaya barat ni. Sampai sekarang masih x ada vaksin untuk curekan. Instead, virus ni makin immune kat semua antibiotic ke, vaksin ke yang pernah terjual kat farmasi mahupun dukun-dukun seantero nusantara ni. Virus ni mampu menyerang saraf otak kita sampai kita x dapat kawal perlakuan kita. Akibatnya berlaku perkara-perkara yang kurang radikal tapi mampu meruntuhkan Negara ni. Perlakuan ape? Malaslah nak cite kat anda semua. Lu pike la sendiri ye!!! Merdeka kah anda semua? Jangan tepuk dada then tanya selera tapi ketuk pale piker dalam-dalam ye!!

Ok ni pandangan gua tentang Malaysia ni. Untuk gua, Malaysia ni ibarat air batu campur aka ABC. Sebab apa? Hah, kalau anda semua kaji pasal ABC ni, ia sebijik macam Negara kita ni. Mula-mula kita kaji bahan-bahan resipi ni. Kita ada cendol,kacang merah,jagung, cincau,biji selasih dan macam-macam lagi. Setiap satu bahan ada rasa yang tersendiri. Tapi bila dah campur dalam satu mangkuk bersama sirap n gula merah, sedap gila. X percaya pegi la try. Ironinya, Malaysia ni terdiri dari pelbagai kaum. Melayu, india, cina, jawa, bugis dan pelbagai lagi. Setiap kaum ataupun etnik ni kaya mereka budaya yang tersendiri. Tapi bila dah sama duduk bawah satu panji Malaysia, budaya-budaya seolah-olah menjadi sama,jadi satu. Semua duduk atas satu nama, rakyat Malaysia. Bila semua dah jadi campur harmoni macam ABC, nikmatnya mula terasa.

Ok sambung balik pasal ABC. Semua bahan pun dah campur dalam satu mangkuk. Anda semua mula la makan. Mula-mula tu memang la sedap, tapi dengan izin tuhan ada la satu bahan ni, sebagai contoh kacang merah tu dah expired sebulan lalu. Masa tu xboleh kata apa-apa la kan. Dengan yakin dan pastinya anda semua akan termuntah bila makan. Dan dengan gagah beraninya anda buang ABC tu kedalam tong sampah sambil mulut anda terkumat-kamit memaki si pembuat ABC tu. Sama seperti Malaysia, kacang merah yang expired tu melambangkan si perasit dalam komuniti Malaysia. Dah baik-baik Malaysia ni aman, tetiba ada la si polan yang sibuk main tikam-tikam. Habis rosak aman tu. Bila dah rosak, Malaysia ni pun jadi sesuatu yang xda nilai zahir atau batin. Ending, Malaysia senasib ngn ABC tu. Mulut anda yang terkumat-kamit itu ibarat si polan yang hanya tahu salahkan orang lain bila terjadinya sesuatu Negara. Mereka-mereka ni hanya tau cakap tanpa ada tindakan selepas tu. (ehsan TM)

Jadi sebagai rumusannya, gua kat sini nak sarankan agar kita-kita ni dapat jadi ibarat ABC yang mampu membuat air liur meleleh di siang hari.

p/s : gua rindu ABC tok imam kat mlaka. Seringgit je satu,tapi rase ABC uh, pergh tangkap chentan beb!!!!!!

Originally made by Yed...

Monday, August 31, 2009

friends and one thing related to them......

airin > perlis (cakap utara die)
aisha > body builder (swimmer katekan)
diniy > lurus bendul (caye sgt ckp org..hehehe)
hayati > takut nk ckp (suara emas katekan)
farah > palap bersara (hahhahha)
fizah > nasi lemak (aku sendiri dari sem 1 xthu ape mende tuu..bdak2 asyik ckp)
nina > seketu dgn airin (ckp utara mix kl)
madihah n syikin > tak pernah nk gaul except aku
ain > eye shadow cantik (rujuk sem lepas)
asfaliza > female version of azfar
najah > pechal
sab > tomel (mmg jadi bahan arr)
ani > ketot
farhana > minah phototstat
athirah > mata konon cantik (halim kate arr)
oz > airin
halim > pokok berjalan (kate oz)
amir > kene saman
yed > toyol belaan lukman
lukman > wise old man
din > din dang keropok tora kembali lagi
kim > mafia wars (tp still xmafia)
arif > setan gemuk banyak ckp (oz kate eik bukan aku btw die ade kat bilik aku time buat nie)
ardi > sekutu ngn arif (gaduh ngn aku)
alang > spora #*#&
rahique > kohe hehar.....
daus > gajahku seksi

those are friends that are worth enough to befriend with.......
last skali aku
mizi > entahlarr...dierang plak describe aku......

Friday, August 28, 2009

20 tahun akan datang........

ape akan jadi pada korang 20 thun akan datang????
aku sendiri xthu ape akan jadi kat aku 20 thun lagi..........
sbb aku xthu....
nk jadi ape....
nk dpt ape....
sbb bnde tu xnmpk lagi...
org kate mcm bdak2...
suppose dah leh nmpk....
penangan kartun dari kecik...
tp one thing yg aku thu ape akan jadi kat aku 20 thun akan datang..
aku akan kawin....
dpt isteri yg baik, pandai masak (sbb aku suke makan)
ade rumah....
ade kerja tetap..
ade anak...
takde sape yg thu ape akan jadi kat kite..
kite hanya merancang, tp Allah yg menentukannya...
cume kite kne mencarinyer...
what will u be for next 20 years....
until we meet again...
you know you love me...

the sleepaholic

Wednesday, August 26, 2009


tgk kawan2 aku mostly fly g oversea study...
kadang2 aku sedih gak tgk nasib aku nie...
org sume dah pg jauh2..
aku still kat sini...
biler larr mase aku nk pg jauh2...
hopefully degree aku dpt larr smbung kat oversea ke ape ke...
pada sume kawan2 aku yg dah terbang kat overseas tuu...
gud luck tuk korang....
study leklok.....
ingt org kat sini....
lastly aku jelous ngn korang.....

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Pada suatu hari.......

pada suatu hari.....
disebuah kingdom bernama alkimia alkundut.....
terdapat ramai masyarakat yang hidup di sana...
pada suatu petang sedang masyarakatnya pergi menuntut ilmu...
terdapat seorang tukang jenaka yang selalu membuat jenaka..
name beliau ialah suad...
die suke membuat jenaka yang entah camne leh jadi kelakar..
dipendek kan cerita.....
si suad nie membuat larr jenaka di dalam kelass di sebuah universiti di alkimia alkundut.....
si suad nie suke membuat jenaka...
so entah camne tetibe mamat nie dah lerr lmbat masuk klass..
katenyer ayamnya terlepas...(entahlerr)
trademark die gajahku seksi....
so dengan selambanya die suke mngacau larr seorang dayang bernama si zubigass.......
suad nie plak katenyer nk buat ujian kecerdasan diri pada hari sekian2....
namun si zubigass nie tak kasi...
katenyer emaknyer nk pg pasar..(hemmmm....ade kene mngene ke?????)
so suad plak dengan muke yg serious tahap gajahku seksi membuatkn si zubigass percaye pada kate2nyer...
so si zubigass nie dengan muka yang ala2 beauty and the beast pon bercakap di dalam bahasa german.....
smpai pada satu tahap masyarakat di dalam kelass itu terpegun dengan percakapan germannyer...
so si zubigass nie pon hampir menitis taik mata nyer...(melalui sumber yg leh caye).....
so akhirnye si suad kate lawak jer....
so kesimpulannyer pkul lar si suad nie.....
mmg suke wat lawak tahap cipan + gajahku seksi....
(tiada kene mngena dengan mana2 pihak yer...sekadar mengisi masa lapang....)

Monday, August 24, 2009


citer die mulanyer camni....
sepatutunyer kiterang ade test CPP arie kamis..
so alang ngan azfar mintak larr wat arie jumaat...
so ok larr ngn madam..
tetibe airin kate xleh coz die nk balik....
(by the way she took a flight to perlis....huhuhhu)
so dijadikan cerite die pon xpuas atie ngn bdak yg suggest mintak tunda test...
mase sblm kelas CTU die pon ngn (si ketot) tu plak tetibe emo...
tp emo lebih si ketot tuu.....poyo nk mampos....
yang nak balik nie airin bukan si ketot tuu...
ape daa...emo gler...
tgh pose leh mencarut bangang ke ape..
sia2 je pahala pose die terbang kat aku....
pastu aisyah jadilah heroin pada hari ini..
die call madam mintak tukar balik...
aku pon ok sbnarnye...
coz mane2 pon ok..
aku dok gombak..
balik arr tiap2 mnggu..
so nk dijadikn pengajaran...
perempuan mmg beremosi.......
korang kne kawal emosi korang tuu....
kate lelaki ego..
tp dalam bab nie aku rase yg ego tularr wanita....
sorry yer...
that is my opinion.....

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

James Morrison- You Give Me Something

love this song so much...
it was shown on ugly betty and also made of honor...
well this song seems to be so beautiful of its lyrics....
not only of its lyrics but the way james sing it so beautiful...
lastly enjoy....

You want to stay with me in the morning
You only hold me when I sleep
I was meant to tread the water
Now I've gotten in too deep
For every piece of me that wants you
Another piece backs away

'Cause you give me something
That makes me scared, alright
This could be nothing
But I'm willing to give it a try
Please give me something
'Cause someday I might know my heart

You already waited up for hours
Just to spend a little time alone with me
And I can say I've never bought you flowers
I can't work out what they mean
I never thought that I'd love someone
That was someone else's dream

'Cause you give me something
That makes me scared, alright
This could be nothing
But I'm willing to give it a try
Please give me something
'Cause someday I might call you from my heart

But it might me a second too late
And the words that I could never say
Gonna come out anyway

'Cause you give me something
That makes me scared, alright
This could be nothing
But I'm willing to give it a try
Please give me something

'Cause you give me something
That makes me scared, alright
This could be nothing
But I'm willing to give it a try
Please give me something
'Cause someday I might know my heart
Know my heart, know my heart, know my heart

H1N1......please give me something.......

well korang sume dah thu kan....
yg skang nie wabak tu semaking larr aggressive.....
well last week... larr klinik uitm.....
pastu tgk2 die suruh check darah...
takut gler.....
kot2 larr suspek ke ape ke.........
pg larr check darah....
mase time nk amik darah tuu..
aku tgk nurse yg nk amik darah tuu cam xcnfident je....
dah larr 2kali salah tmpt....
maybe aku nie byk lemak sbb tuu larr kot susah nk cari....
then pas amik darah....
suruh plak tnggu kat tmpt doktor tadi...
btw klinik uitm xde elektrik time tuu....
gler ke ape....
aku tnggu nk dkat sejam itu pon baru dpt no....
nk tnggu dpt doktor plak xyah larr ckp kan..
smbung blik....
check pnyer check suspek....
so bg balik....
aku pon balik umah dijage rapi oleh ibu ayah dan abang serta kakak ipar gue..
heaven gler time tuu..nk makan ape makan je..
tp xleh minum ais...
btw skang dah ok cume batuk2 ngn selesema ade lagi...
xpe slow recovery...

Monday, August 17, 2009

life is too hard......

sometime we felt life is too hard....
is it?
is we make it hard or from the beginning it is already that hard...
for me...
yeah life is too hard....
why? because there are so many reasons that can be written.....
just that.....
people make it hard for us...
sometime when we fight over something stupid...
people gonna blame u for the cause....
yeah well....
but is not 100% your fault rite....
maybe there is some misunderstanding....
that's why.....
life is too hard....
another thing is to make a decision....
is hard to make a decision over something that is precious to us...
because we are afraid of the risk.....if you make that decision and there is a risk...
is it the risks are worthy enough to be taken...
yeah you make the decision....
that's why life is too hard....
if we look at the other side.....
life will not be that hard.....
if we enjoy it to fullest...
enjoy while you still can...
because the moment you face this problem...
it will take a long time face it....

Life Is Too Hard!!!!!

Friday, July 10, 2009

~~~~~~~~Memory Of 05/07/09......~~~~~~~

On the date of 05/07/09....
the wedding took place at my house.....
my first brother getting "sanding" at my house.....
well it have been a busy day....
so we put our best to show our performances......
everybody getting busy to greet our guest......
me myself been a photographer for that day.....
my family, my aunt, my uncle and all my cousin give the best that they could do....
a day to remember.....
here some the picture of our sweet and lovely memory...

Afgan - Terima Kasih Cinta

Tersadar didalam sepiku
Setelah jauh melangkah
Cahaya kasihmu menuntunku
Kembali dalam dekap tanganmu

Terima kasih cinta untuk segalanya
Kau berikan lagi kesempatan itu
Tak akan terulang lagi
Semuaaa kesalahanku yang pernah menyakitimu

Tanpamu tiada berarti
Tak mampu lagi berdiri
Cahaya kasihmu menuntunku
Kembali dalam dekapan tanganmu

Terima kasih cinta untuk segalanya
Kau berikan lagi kesempatan itu
Tak akan terulang lagi
Semuaaa kesalahanku yang pernah menyakitimu


Terima kasih cinta untuk segalanya
Kau berikan lagi kesempatan itu
Tak akan terulang lagi
Semuaaa kesalahanku oouuwww
Kesalahanku yang pernah menyakitimu

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Mission Not Yet Accomplished....

hari nie misi aku ke giant supermarket beli barang2 nk balik uitm..
dah arr ahad nie knduri kawin kat umah aku...
biler larr plak aku nk beli kan...
so aku p larr giant around kol 12..
smpai je giant trus park kete....
cucuk duit kat bank...
luckily gaji dah kuar....
kalo xkuar camne arr....
xpakse mintak FAMA....
masuk larr giant....
pak guard tu pndang aku mcm xberduit..
stupid asshole pak guard...
ko ingt aku nie xberduit ke...
selesai plak beli barang2....
abg aku tepon mintak beli notepad..
mintak 4 plak tuu..
die ingat aku nie bank bergerak ke ape???????????
aku masuk arrr bookstore yg ade kat giant tuu....
mase nk bayar kat kaunter tuu..
tetibe kat satu rak buku tuu ternampak larr this book....

pastu terus aku beli...
tanpa mengira berapakah duit yg ku ada..
mereng aku nie..
sampai kat umah aku bace skit..
tp ade rintangan dan halangan..
aku terpakse tolong ibu dan bapa ku kemas di luar rumah....
mission nie akanku accomplishkn..
mandai2 je aku campur BI ngn BM...
by the way..
aku enjoy gak hari nie...
even though nk balik uitm dah arie ahad nie...
tp aku balik arie isnin petang..
ponteng klass....

Tuesday, June 30, 2009


baru2 nie aku leh plak kene dmam....
perghh dah lame xkne...
mmg mule2 start dgn headache...
pastu batuk2...
n then selesema plak...
bab selesema aku xleh tahan...
abg aku leh plak kene2 kan aku...
ade ke die kate H1N1 sbb time tuu aku plak kene pakai mask yg doktor bg..
lagi arr...
time balik dari klinik mmg kene pakai mask...
pastu masuk umah sume cam terkejut aku pakai mask...
sume takut dkat ngn aku...
sedih gue...
sebaik arie nie cam dah ok skit..
cume kesan selesema ngn batuk2 tu ade arr skit...
cume xobvious....
BTW aku nk p shopping kamis nie nk beli barang2 nk balik ke UiTM di hatiku itu (dihatiku ke?????)

Friday, June 19, 2009


aku xdpt ikut kwan2 aku hangout kat mid...
sbb ahad nie aku keje..
sorry eik ijal, dayah, dla, syam the twin....
aku kene keje larr..
nnti kalo aku tolak boss aku marah...
tp next time jumpe kite p tgk transformer......

kot2 ade rezeki lebih aku blanje larr korang....
lame gler xjumpe korang...
ingat lagi kat kem PJKN tuu...
korang jelarr tmpt aku mngadu...
susah snang satu geng....
kitenyer geng mmg gler....
sume otak gler2....
rindu gler kat korang....

Thursday, June 18, 2009


Boring gler arie nie...
aku xthu nk watpe....
nk jmur kain dah jmur...
nak men game..
lagi arr boring...
3 game je ade kat ps3 tuu..
nk beli mahal nk mampos..

so arie nie rase cam nk tido

aku dah mcm org giler arr..

cuti nie kalo xwat part time mmg boring gler....
nk keje malas plak..
working hour die dah kurangkn coz cut budget..
kecian volunteer nie...

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Rivermaya - Balisong

Your face
lights up the sky on the highway
you share your world with me

You mesmerize me, with diamond eyes
I try to fool myself to think i'll be alright
but i am losing all control, my mind, my heart, my body and my soul.

never in my life have i been more sure
so come on up to me and close the door
nobody's made me feel this way before
you're everything i wanted and more

just be corupt too, where to begin
a great delema im finding myself thin
for all i know you only see me as a friend
i try to tell myself wake up fool
this fairy tale's got to end

never in my life have a been more sure
so come on up to me and close the door
nobody's made me feel this way before
you're everything i wanted...

never in my life have i been more sure
so come on up to me and close the door
nobody's made me feel this way before
you're everything i wanted and more

you're everything i wanted.

iPod Shuffle 3rd Gen

first time aku tgk ipod nie kat review ipod kat
tgk2 gadget nie...
though some people said "leceh larr", "kecik arr"....
but if u see clearly....
cool gak ipod nie....
this one is the new generation of ipod shuffle which smaller in size and first ipod that will tell the playlist and also the song....
and this new ipod shuffle come with 2 colors which is white and black.....
and believe or not...
arge die just RM 308 which is tuk 4gb.....
aku kne beli....
abg aku kate die support skit..
lega skit duit...hehehehhee..

for more information korang sume leh pg website die which is

Daniel Merriweather - Change

i saw a dried up withered old rich man turning on a garden hose,
i see a young man picking up a gun i guess that’s where the money goes (yeah),
am i just as good as a bad man sleeping when the rest are dying
or am i jus as bad as a good man saying there’s no use of trying

Oooo tell me do you still believe
Oooo everything that you read
will we learn to get together and see who we really are

ain’t nothing gonna change
ain’t nothing gonna change if nobody’s gonna wake up and start acting whose incharge

ain’t nothing gonna change
ain’t nothing gonna change
ain’t nothing gonna change

nanananana (yeah)

ain’t shit changing but life is all babies get higher in the background singing singing (naanaanaanaa) singing (nananana)
ok singing

some people do it all for money & some do it all for their love
some do it all for the glory cuz nothing else their thinking of
i saw a man in a four door truck complaining that the price was high
like a well faired man with a smoothie in his hand saying who ate all the apple pie (yeah)

Oooo tell me do you still believe
Oooo everything that you read
will we learn to get together and see who we really are
[ Daniel Merriweather Lyrics are found on ]

ain’t nothing gonna change
ain’t nothing gonna change if nobody’s gonna wake up and start acting whose in charge

ain’t nothing gonna change
ain’t nothing gonna change
ain’t nothing gonna change

nanananana (yeah)

its funny your ready to listen im never gonna listen most people follow intuition while they wishing it would work
and my vision isn’t perfect so i will never learn for it
don’t wish for some change like a church worker
hallelujah preacher i am not influenced if i don’t go into your movement am i not improving
and while a poor for a poor for a peace of American society i get high the munchies i got so down with this i got the girl looking at you cuz i’m worth kissing (mwah) n i ain’t ready to wait when theirs dollars on the rain what do you expect change

will we learn to get together and see who we really are

ain’t nothing gonna change
ain’t nothing gonna change if nobody’s gonna wake up and start acting whose incharge

ain’t nothing gonna change
ain’t nothing gonna change
ain’t nothing gonna change no no

ain’t shit changing but life is all babies get higher in the background singing singing (naanaanaanaa) singing (nananana)

Ghost 8TV

mesti korang sume dah thu...
citer Ghost nie...
i thing it is kinda popular.....
xlarr mcm other malay typical drama....
cinta situ..
cinta sini...
first time that i seeing this drama at my cousin laptop.....
what i browse her laptop....
i saw this clip at youtube.....
Ghost 8TV....
i thinking it is just normal ghost capture clip....
time tuu tak pikir ape pon...
name pon ghost..
so i am very curious about the clip so i just click at the clip....
well for starting...
rase seram...
tgk2 citer melayu..
so layan jelarr...
best plak...
then i ask my cousin whether she have this series or not...
well she said ADA....
so tgk jelarr..
So tgk larr eik citer nie....


Semester break...
the only word that play on every student mind.....
one would say sleeping time...
and one would say it is time to lepaking with friends...
the others would say "part time job"....
well as for me....
i don't know....
i had been work part time as a volunteer at petrosains..
but seems boring to me....
cause my whole batch gone missing like chipsmore.....

but anyway....
my last semester result already came out..
well ok larr...
thank God no subject that i have to repeat....
kinda scared this sem...
well semester break and only 3 weeks left....
soon back to shah alam.....

well anyway next week nk tgk transformer...
cam best..
best kot...
cuti nie byk gler layan movie..
rase2nyer larr kan..
sume movie yg kuar time cuti sem nie sume dah p tgk....
abis sume duit gue..